the world of ulysses black

the world of ulysses black

performance practitioner
visual artist
& ritual researcher

The Art Hour with Myrtle

By Annie Brooks & Ulysses Black

With 24hrs notice, Annie Brooks and Ulysses Black collaborated to create a new puppetry skit to perform at the quarterly puppetry cabaret 'Punched' by Touched Theatre. Basing the sketch on the existing character of sea-cucumber Myrtle, her nature was further developed in a short - and very rough - sketch offering her slightly warped interpretation of various famous paintings. Various facets of the paints come alive and are also puppeteer'd. The idea was extremely rushed, but has served to help develop the subversive criminal underbelly of erstwhile innocent Myrtle, who through her various incarnations seems constantly up to shady shenanigans under more respectable pretence. 
   There is clearly much more mileage to this idea, which both Brooks & Black are in the process of developing and tightening up this sketch as part of a wider show. 

By Annie Brooks ( and Ulysses Black, Punched 3 at the Nightingale Theatre.
