the world of ulysses black

the world of ulysses black

performance practitioner
visual artist
& ritual researcher

Match Box Archive

This is a selection of some of the Match Box labels I have collected - with no preference. I became interested in Match Box art a few years ago, loving the fantastic dissonance between detailed and imaginative artwork, and low production standards, and the interplay of the text and ornamental embellishments, and the strange almost tarotesque symbolic compositions.
(I started grouping them into different sections before expanding it slightly, so realise there are a bunch of felines in the dominant creature section!)
   Check out my Pinterest Match Box board to see hundreds of amazing examples sourced from across the web, and follow me to watch the collections grow!

My current favorite. An unmistakable quality of wildman or Orang Pendak about it. Any further details appreciated.

My current favorite. An unmistakable quality of wildman or Orang Pendak about it. Any further details appreciated.

Dominant creature


Human Figures

One named item:

Two named Items

Three Named Items

Text and Item

Text only

Oriental Text

