the world of ulysses black

the world of ulysses black

performance practitioner
visual artist
& ritual researcher

 a.i. collaboration & design

The arrival of ‘A.I.’ platforms to the wider public in 2022 has heralded a systemic change in the future across all tiers of society with big influence on businesses, with many people not realising just how deep this technology is going to permeate everything.

Given that it is not going away, I have elected to tentatively embrace and explore how it might play a role in my life and work. This page is the gathering poitn for the different experiments and explorations that have reached a sufficient level of collaboration to be included on my site as my own ‘work’. I am not including the thousands of a.i. images I have generated and not proceeded to further manipulate.

The dreampits of aggrathanarath 2nd edition cover design

A page exploring the problematic story of a.i. replacing artists artwork, looking at my original painting for the novel compared with those i created for the 2nd edition using a.i.

djinn matches

A matchbox design from Xmas 2022. Follow the link to see a full page exploring the evolution of this image
