the world of ulysses black

the world of ulysses black

performance practitioner
visual artist
& ritual researcher


Some time around May 2014, I began to plagued with an image of an octopus in a square, and then a upon a cushion. Over the next 7 months (!) I found myself doodling this octopus as I tried in vain to get to grips with the nebulous image in my head. Finally in Dec 2014 I decided that the only way to overcome this nagging-mind-worm would be to sit down and make the cushion. Over three days at the very start of January 2015, I sat down in my studio and made a pair of this octopus cushion. I might make a very small run of them to sell, but perhaps more importantly, I have divested myself of that pestering thought, and can now allow my mind to occupied with other, potentially equally inane notions, and then set about bringing them into reality. 
